We’re thrilled to share highlights from the recent session at the CBS Green Business Forum, where the focus was on Urban Gardens as Learning Spaces for sustainability education at universities. Permahaven, our pioneering permaculture garden, took center stage as the first of its kind to be established at a business school. With an experimental approach, we’re integrating the permaculture design framework into our management education context.
The lively panel discussion featured Boncho Kostadinov and Peder Glud from Århus Green Business Academy, alongside CBS Associate Professor Maribel Blasco and postdoctoral researcher Albina Dioba. Together, they explored the exciting opportunities and challenges of utilizing urban gardens for learning and biodivercity conservation.
Following the enriching indoor discussions in Kilen, participants embarked on a sensory exploration of Permahaven through an interactive tour, further deepening their understanding and connection to sustainable practices.
More from the event

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