Description of the day
Participants will receive further information about the Permahaven project, and about permaculture, when they sign up.
Permahaven is a new campus initiative to create a permaculture garden located on the CBS campus, opposite the Kilen building and very close to Fasanvej Metro Station. The overall aim is to offer a means for CBS to strengthen its efforts to ‘walk the talk’ when it comes to practising sustainability and biodiversity in everyday campus life, and to offer educational opportunities in these areas. The term ‘permaculture’ stands for ‘permanent agriculture’, and was coined by Bill Mollison in 1978. Permaculture offers a holistic framework for creating regenerative ways of living that are based on observing, imitating and working with nature rather than against it, in order to enhance resilience, diversity, productivity and stability (Hopkins 2020; Permaculturenews.org 2020). Permaculture practioners generally prefer the concept of regeneration, which captures the goal to give back to the ecosystem around us at the same time as taking care of our own needs; and on improving the current state of affairs, whether this be biodiversity, the quality of the soil or the degree of wellbeing in a community.
If you’d like to learn more about permaculture, you can read it here.
Launch agenda:
PART 1 (Kilen)
16.00-16.15: Welcome and introduction to Permahaven (background for garden, why PC in business school, model for using the garden etc)
16.15 -16.45: Permaculture in practice
PART 2 (Permahaven garden)
17.00-18.00: Hands-on permaculture techniques that we will use in Permahaven
Register for the Launch Day, Monday March 27
The event coordination lies within the MSC faculty at Copenhagen Business School. Write to info.permahaven@cbs.dk for any questions or concerns.